Saturday, May 25, 2013

Mark Appel: My Thoughts Seeing Him Pitch In Person

It's not often that a guy like Mark Appel is in your backyard. For those who don't know him, Mark Appel is projected to go no. 1 overall in this year's MLB Amateur Draft in June. Mark is originally from Texas and the Houston Astros are expected to bring him home with the first pick. Now, this was the first time I had seen Mark Appel pitch at Stanford but it wasn't my first encounter with him.

Yes I know, that is Mark Appel wearing high tops instead of spikes. Not only is Mark Appel a great pitcher, he was also a pretty good basketball player. How do I know this? Well, luckily for me Mark Appel moved to the Danville/Alamo area and graduated from my high school, Monte Vista. Mark was a two sport athlete for the Mustangs and was a great shooter on our basketball team during my freshman year. At 6'5" and with his athleticism, he was a big part of our team (which is considered by many as the best Monte Vista basketball team in school history) with some other great athletes as well.

Yes that is Zach Ertz, a second round pick by the Philadelphia Eagles and he as well was a Stanford star. Mark and Zach were great friends in high school and I'm sure they still are today.

That's right, one high school basketball team with two future pro athletes. I was lucky enough to watch that team take us all the way to the Nor Cal Final where we lost by 3 to McClymonds High School.

Those were my first memories of Mark Appel as an athlete. Everyone at school was aware that his sport was baseball and was going to Stanford but I don't think any of us thought he would be where he is today. Right now, Mark Appel is the most sought after amateur athlete in America and the fact that he is a Monte Vista graduate like myself is special.

Now for my thoughts on the night he had last night, it was a beautiful evening at Sunken Diamond. I hadn't been to my father's alma mater in a few years and it was my first time seeing a game at the legendary Sunken Diamond. Many great ballplayers in the past have played there like Mike Mussina, Jed Lowrie, Carlos Quentin, Jeremy Guthrie, Ryan Garko, Drew Storen, John Mayberry Jr, and Sam Fuld. Mark Appel has the potential to be better than all of them.

When he took the mound in the top of the 1st, the first thing I seemed to notice was his presence on the mound. He seemed to resemble a giant out there on that mound. Now I as well stand at 6'5" but I guarantee you that I wouldn't have that type of presence out there. Mark Appel has that presence because of his stature and his reputation. Going into that night, Appel needed one strikeout to break the all time Stanford strikeout record.

It was going to be a tough task for even Appel to get his team the win that night going up against the number 8 team in the country, UCLA. The unranked Stanford Cardinal haven't had the season they thought they would have and are unranked. The first batter he faced immediately felt the wicked stuff that the big right hander has in his arsenal. The first pitch was a high 90s fastball that was at the knees and on the outside corner, the UCLA Bruin let the pitch go by since it was absolutely impossible to hit. The next pitch was a devastating slider that broke at the belt and died at the knees on the inside corner for strike 2. The batter once again watched it go by since his front foot froze with surprise. The third pitch was another slider that was just as devastating but this time Appel attacked the outside corner of the plate and all the opposing batter could muster was a check swing that went around and that was it. Mark Appel had become the all time Stanford strikeout king. The next two UCLA batters fared no better as Mark Appel struck out the side in 10 pitches.

Appel only had trouble in one inning and that was third where the Bruins got a leadoff infield hit off Appel that Mark was quite unlucky about, the next batter squared around to bunt and took a Mark Appel fastball in the chest. Shockingly, the kid kept running to first and just like that the Bruins had runners on first and second with no one out.

The next batter executed a well played sacrifice bunt down the third baseline that advanced both runners. Stanford manager Mark Marquess decided to keep the corner infielders in and the middle infielders back. The next batter hit a soft chopper to the shortstop and that brought the run home. That's all the offense the Bruins would muster that night as Appel was very Scrooge like from there on.

In a 1-0 ballgame, the Stanford lineup needed to get the run support Appel needed in order for him to get his 10th win of the season. That was done in the bottom of the 5th when the Cardinal top of the order started with a Justin Ringo double, followed by an Austin Slater triple, and then a Brian Ragira (who is also supposed to be taken rather early in this year's draft) sacrifice fly, which ended up being the difference in the game.

Now with the lead, Mark Appel seemed to get stronger and he'd finish up only allowing one walk and three hits. Appel would end up throwing 8 solid innings of 1 run ball with 9 K's. Mark Appel was certainly on his game last night. The closer Garrett Hughes K'd two in the 9th to end the night and a 2-1 win for the Stanford Cardinal (or the Stanford Indians if you're talking to my dad).

Overall, I was very impressed with Mark Appel. His fastball is as good as advertised as it's just immaculate. Not only is it clocked in the high 90s but it also comes downhill and has some downward sink to it, he can locate the pitch as I saw last night, the pitch never was elevated and it was complemented by a straight up nasty slider that forced many Bruins' "swings and misses." Scouts don't rate his slider or circle change as high as his fastball but his slider is definitely a good pitch that I think will only get better with time. His change of speed circle change is decent as well and produced a few swings and misses when thrown. As for my verdict on the Monte Vista grad, he's everything as advertised and more. It's a shame he's gonna be in our division for the next several years but anything that raises the profile of my high school is something I'll take at that expense.

This was Appel's last game at Sunken Diamond more than likely since it doesn't look like Stanford will be hosting any regionals in this year's NCAA Tournament. I have to thank Megan Benveniste (@sportypants38) and her cousin Mikaela for inviting myself and Adam (@DKJinthe_148) to see this game since I had a lot of fun not only at the game but also at Cheesecake Factory after the game which we stayed at until 12:45 am I believe.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Having No Phone: A Blessing And A Curse

For a full month, I haven't had a cell phone (well technically I do but you I can't text on it). It was I believe, after the 1973 A's World Series Reunion that my phone's touch screen stopped working. Since then, I really have only talked to people on my iPad, or twitter.

To be honest, it's really been nice not having that damn phone that always seems to buzz at the most inopportune times making my ADHD go crazy. Seemed like I was texting a lot of people before it broke and to be honest I should've been more important things than texting people. No offense to those people but it was the stretch run of school and I didn't need anymore distractions.

A cell phone is in many ways an albatross, it just seems to hold us down and it bugs me whenever I'm hanging out with someone and their head is down the whole time texting someone. I could just have some self-esteem issues but it makes me say in my head "Oh you're talking to some people, then what am I chopped liver?"Seriously though, not having a phone sure takes a lot of the burden off my shoulder. Those feelings of "OMG I HAVE TO TEXT BLAH BLAH BACK!" are gone and as a result I can spend my time on other things. Who would've thought that the cell phone would be the cause of so many problems? Nowadays, we all have to be in constant contact with each other, WHY?! I feel like it's made me cut out some great people simply because I got tired of them.

Overexposure is a powerful thing, and it's alive and well. I'm sure everyone has those friendships or relationships that simply ended because of that very same thing. I have a hypothesis that this is because of texting. Prove me wrong, but it just seems right. Sure I love talking to people, don't get me wrong but at some point it becomes detrimental.

Now lately since I've gone back to my home in Danville, I've noticed that I don't really have a whole heck of a lot to do since I'm still looking for a job and I don't have a phone. I really want to hangout with my friends out here but it's such a pain to get a hold of these people without a phone and part of me isn't in the mood to hear about everyone's issues again. That always seems to be the issue when you see people you haven't seen in forever, isn't it?

You know what though? My problem is this, the A'S NEED TO COME BACK HOME NOW! Seriously, I'm dying out here. The A's seem to make me happy that my phone doesn't work and then when they go on the road I start wishing I had a phone, it's weird. Now I'm starting to think the A's are the most important thing in my life right now, and I'm not sure any girl is gonna want to date a guy with  that kind of a problem!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Struggle: How I Survived My Freshman Year

For the first time in probably a year, I'm actually tired at 11:25 pm. If this were a tweet I'd end it with #CollegeStudentProbz. Like any other college student, my body clock certainly took a beating. That's not the only thing that was a struggle, you already knew about the roommate problems that seemed to never go away. So the question is, how did I survive?

There's a lot of people I have to thank for helping me survive but we'll get to that later. Getting started in school faces the same problems, adjusting to new living quarters, new friends, work load, etc. but each struggle is different. Mine for example wasn't as bad as some people's since I was fortunate enough to be close to home but I guess everything evens out with bad roommates, or whatever else you need.

At the beginning of the year I started out as a kid trying to execute a long distance relationship with my high school girlfriend, and trying to hold onto my guilty pleasures (music, TV Shows, and whatever else I stumble on). It didn't take long for me to morph into a kid who was single and someone who stopped caring about new music and only cared about Monday Night RAW (Yes I love wrestling, bite me), and Suits (which thankfully is a summer show) as well as all my sports team who I could never be away from.

In this way, I didn't change for college, college molded me. That's basically what needed to happen and I accept that (plus the new music is trash anyway, dubstep in every song? TRASH!) other things had to happen to keep me in check as well though. I met some great people along the way who made my year awesome. I'm now going to thank you, some of this might be a group thank you but I'm sure that's fine.

All my twitter followers- You guys definitely kept me sane during those long nights in lounge or those nights in the atrium. Whenever I was going through a tough day, you guys seemed to always pick me up. Thank you for putting up with my crap since I was pretty bitter at times especially when I didn't get enough sleep, which seemed to happen a lot (Thanks Kevin).

Danielle (@sillydani225)- Danielle was one of many great hall mates who I had the pleasure of living with for this school year and she was everything that you could ask for as a friend. She kept me level headed and I'd like I did the same for her. Many nights in the lounge with her telling stories or talking about nothing was usually a formula for success in the long term. And if any guys are trying to get at her on twitter, she has a boyfriend (sorry). Danielle currently holds the title of being the only girl I've ever taken to a Warriors game and that was my birthday present to her since she luckily likes basketball.

Nick- For those of you who aren't familiar with Nick, he's the guy who I brought to Josh Hamilton Appreciation Night/19 inning game. Nick, like just about everyone at USF is a Giants fans but he's one of the few cool ones so it's all cool. If anyone knows me well, they'll know that I basically have to have a certain quota of sports talk each day or I will crawl into a corner and eat low fat ice cream (luckily this has never happened), so Nick was the guy who'd fill that quota as he listened to me rant about the Raiders or how terrible George Kottaras (aka KottarASS) is at baseball. Nick's a fantasy sports junkie and he invited me into his 20 team dynasty baseball league which has given me a huge tool to stay sane. The bleacher guys seemed to like Nick at that 19 inning game and for good reason, Nick's a class act and quite hilarious, always a good combination.

Eat 24 (@eat24)- Before you say, "Wait Wes, that isn't a real person," you should know that this app saved my life during those long study hours. I recommend this site to anyone who needs food at 12 am or the wee hours of the morning "" is your ticket to a late night meal and extra motivation for whatever your work or school throws at you. They deserve all the credit in the world for helping me out since I needed them especially down the stretch last semester. Unfortunately my "go-to restaurant," Freddie's went out of business at the beginning of second semester (which was really sad since their meat lover's calzones were legendary) and we needed several restaurants combinations to pick up the pace. Places like "Royalty Pizza" and "Sparky's" saved my life with their various choices. Sometimes cafeteria food just doesn't cut it for a guy like me.

The Fanily- You guys were something else during the second semester, whether it was bowling nights, and the WBC day. You guys always made sure I had something to look forward to, I met some great people that I'm happy to call friends. You all know who you are, you guys made sure I didn't go insane being all cooped up at school. And thank you for making sure I got back to campus, many of you helped me with that especially when BART closed.

GJD Family- Thank you to Adam (@DKJinthe_148), Jess (@RedBottomCleats), and Hailee (@Hailee_Miguel) for giving me a new outlet for a hobby. You guys are the best and I always have fun with you guys.

That's all for now, not the greatest post but I was having some issues with it and finally got it done. I'll have something more interesting to write about tonight.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Danville: The Place I Call Home

It's always a good day when the A's win especially the way they did tonight. This post is dedicated to the place I've grown up in. Hopefully it won't be too boring for all those reading this but maybe you'll find something interesting about it.

My mom and dad moved me out of the Redwoods Heights district of Oakland when I was 8 months old and took me deeper inland into a place that is known by many as "The Bubble."More on that later but Danville for those of you who don't know is between Pleasanton/Dublin and Walnut Creek, and is flanked by: Pleasant Hill and San Ramon out in the East Bay.

It was where Randy Wynn, Mark Madsen, Nate Schierholtz, Chris Wondolowski, Zack Ertz, and Mark Appel grew up, to name a few athletes. It is where the rapper E-40, the lead singer of Motley Crüe Vince Neil, Captain Sullenberger, Larry Allen, and Gary Payton currently reside. That's just some of the background on Danville.

When an outsider talks about Danville, it's usually about how affluent we are or how stuck up we are which is apparently why my neighborhood known as "Blackhawk" inspired the song "Salvation," by the punk band Rancid. Danville and its residents have always seemed to have an unfortunate label attached to them, some for good reason, and others not so much.

The picture that you see on top of the page is Blackhawk Plaza which was a hangout spot for me and my friends for years. It's nothing special, a Starbucks, a nice burger place that is really good, overpriced stores that seemed to come and go, and a movie theater.

Now onto the people, let me paint the picture of a typical "Danville girl," a girl with platinum blonde hair, Coco Chanel sunglasses, yoga pants, and uggs. Describing her body, usually she make look pretty appealing, she'll be really skinny and perky boobs because every guy needs to see what she's working with. This is what I grew up around, and let me tell you about their personality. You can already probably guess but they were usually the real fake, stuck up type with that incredibly annoying fake laugh and fake giggle voice. Some of them were cool even with all that stuff others were complete bitches who weren't worth anyone's time of day.

As for the guys, they're cool until they start grown up where they turn into douchebags that think they know everything even though they've never been anywhere in their lives. Most of them have the same haircut and wear the same douchebag clothes, and if you ask what those are, it's whatever the "douche" clothing that's in style is.

Now let me tell you why I'm grateful for these people, sure I didn't like most of them. What these people taught me is that looks are only so important. They taught me the importance of character and the number one thing that they taught me was to keep your standards high for not only the girls I date but the people I bring into my life. I'll be honest, not many have fulfilled these expectations and all eventually disappoint me at some point but I wouldn't change anything about this approach. Many girls who I told about these standards never really figured out what these standards are and honestly they'd be pretty surprised if they knew.

This is the reason why I don't have many relationships and I have a small circle of close friends. It's how "The Bubble" shaped me.

Describing Danville as a bubble is definitely a good way of doing so. The residents are consumed with their own self-absorbed ways and have no concept of what's going on 10 miles away from them. I don't know why this is but that really is how many residents here are. In this sense, Danville is another stereotypical suburbia.

Now that I have graduated from high school, I can honestly say I enjoy coming back to Danville because I have no obligations to the people here anymore. Sure I still have friends here but for the most part, I'm no longer a part of this town.

I enjoy the slow pace that seems to relax the mind vs the city quick pace that seems to drain you by the end of the week. I enjoy long hikes up Mt Diablo which has numerous trails and is a must for any hiker in the area. The pretty lawns are always a sight on a clear spring day and the seeing the stars is a wonderful blessing. These are great parts of Danville and I wouldn't trade this real beauty for anything.

People have asked me about whether I'd live in Danville during my adult life and I always answered one way, "Definitely, when I'm settled down with a family." Maybe deep down, Danville will never leave me. Something about it will always keep me attached to it. Nowadays, driving around the ville, I start reminiscing about things from my past and I can give you a story for every street I pass.

If you're thinking about visiting Danville, please do. There's definitely some great things about this place but don't date any girls from here unless you let me give her a once over (I'm serious). Hope you all enjoyed this post and learned something about where I'm from.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Road Trips: What to do When The A's Go On The Road

It's 2 am in the morning here on my couch and I'm gonna try to make this post short and sweet because I want to go to bed but we'll see how that turns out. The topic for tonight is: Road Trips. More specifically A's road trips.

We as fans love being at the coliseum with all our best friends and enjoying watching the boys who provide us joy from April-October but when the home stand is over, we as fans must find other things to do in the evenings since the option of going to A's games isn't there.

Now I myself have had this problem many times especially during this season. I'm currently single, and during all of last season I was in a relationship so that was the easy answer at that time. Now that I'm single, I need new ways of filling this gap during A's road trips.

Of course we all watch the road games on tv, but remember that going to a baseball game is a 5 hour commitment at least, so we still end up with plenty of free time. So what do we do during that time? Certainly, there are many ways to answer this. Some people have novels to read (I need to finish Joe Torre's book now that I'm out of school), others have netflix, many knit, and some even garden.

Of course there's many who actually have friends who do stuff other than sit at home on a Saturday night but who the hell are those people? Man I'm an A's fan, I don't like showing my anger out in public when Dan Straily walks Jeff Francouer on four pitches! (Only joking, that would totally never happen, or would it?). 

Some people go to concerts, but that doesn't work for me because I can't for the life of me understand why people go to concerts. It's not my thing and there's certainly nothing wrong with it. Here's an option, nonetheless.

If you're from the lame upper class you can go to wine bar and wine taste. God knows what the point of wine tasting is but hey, we see our favorite A's players spitting all the time, maybe we should do the same more often in our personal lives? You feel me? No? Well it was worth a try, who knows maybe spitting will be considered "attractive" one day.

Now I don't do this too often but I have done this a couple times this season, and that is watch an A's game with a group of A's fan friends at a restaurant where the game will be shown. This certainly is a lot of fun, especially when the waiter is a Giants fan! Only issue is that most people can't afford to do this for every A's road game and it's probably better that way so it doesn't lose its luster.

So our search for a consistent thing to do while the A's are on the road continues. Do I need to go on more dates to pass the time? Maybe, but I don't think any normal girl wants to hear me ramble on about Josh Donaldson's WAR, or AJ Griffin's BABIP. And if there's a girl out there who does, please DM me ASAP, thank you.

If you have a consistent hobby you do while the A's are on the road, please share it here in the comments section.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Bacon Friday and Fantasy Baseball Problems

Before I dig into my fantasy baseball stuff, words need to be said about how great Bacon Friday was today at the A's game. For those of you who don't know the story, Jeff Francoeur is the guy we've been  serenading for years about bacon and today marked the third annual game we did this. This was my first "bacon event" since I couldn't make Bacon Tuesday due to my college visit at the University of Alabama last April.

I saw from across the country how big that event had gotten in terms of media attention and all that which made me happy for those guys since I know them and I was happy for the A's fan base as a whole since we had taken plenty of flak from A's ownership during that offseason.

This year I made sure that I was going to be in attendance and I was more than happy with how it all turned out, great creative food and all my best friends. It was one big party and even better, the A's won! I can't say enough about Josh Donaldson and Adam Rosales. There's no way Josh Donaldson doesn't get an All-Star game birth if he continues to swing the bat the way he has. As for Adam Rosales, the kid deserves more playing time since he's really hitting the dime of the ball right now. With all due respect to Eric Sogard.

I have to give a big thanks to Omar (@OmarInTheOF) for the amazing work he did with this event since I know what it's like to organize an event and the t-shirts were genius!

Let's hope today was a sign of things to come for the A's and maybe we can put on a little bit of a streak to get us going.

Now for my fantasy baseball stuff, I am a huge fantasy sports fan if you don't know. Fantasy football is always a great thing and I've now found a spot in my heart for fantasy baseball now that I'm in a 20 team dynasty league that is absolutely insane! Here's my roster.

Catcher: Welington Castillo (CHC)

First Base: Ike Davis (NYM)

Second Base: Mark Ellis (LAD)

Shortstop: Adeiny Hechavarria (MIA)

Third Base: Placido Palanco (MIA)

Outfield: Chris Carter (HOU)

Outfield: Ben Revere (PHI)

Outfield: Leonys Martin (TEX)

Utility: Travis Hafner (NYY)

Utility: Michael Brantley (CLE)


Brett Jackson (CHC Prospect)

Nick Franklin (SEA Prospect)

Jorge Soler (CHC Prospect)

Mike Olt (TEX Prospect)

Francisco Lindor (CLE Prospect)

Jonathan Singleton (HOU Prospect)

DL: Alex Rodriguez (NYY)


Kyle Lohse (MIL)

Alex Cobb (TB)

Ryan Cook (OAK)

Sean Doolittle (OAK)

Bud Norris (HOU)

Bartolo Colon (OAK)

Joe Saunders (SEA)

Tony Cingrani (CIN)


Tyler Skaggs (ARI Prospect)

Jake Odorizzi (TB Prospect)


Henderson Alvarez (MIA)

Arodys Vizcaino (CHC)

I know what you're thinking, who are these guys? Well, this what you're left with in a 20 team Dynasty League that I took over in February. I was left with a team full of old players that I knew had to trade away for any prospects I could find. Players like Mike Napoli, Jed Lowrie, Yu Darvish (I'm kicking myself for that one), Ichiro Suzuki, Delmon Young, Randall Delgado, Brandon Phillips and just as of yesterday Ian Desmond.

Trading away those players got me Ryan Cook, Alex Cobb, Arodys Vizcaino, Ben Revere, Tony Cingrani, Francisco Lindor, Mike Olt, Jonathan Singleton, Welington Castillo, Bubba Starling (Just traded him in the Ian Desmond trade), Brett Jackson, Leonys Martin, Ike Davis, Michael Brantley, and Chris Carter (who I got for Randall Delgado in what I thought was a steal).

If you're a fantasy baseball guru, please grade my performance in those trades I also did a lot of adding and dropping that got me a few more prospects here and there.

If anyone is looking at joining fantasy sports, I believe a dynasty league is where someone should look into because the rosters carry over from year to year so it feels like you're running a real franchise with prospects, DLs, and stuff like that. It also gives you more time to look at the stats which is always fun because I seem to always learn something new when I'm looking at stats.

Information is key and baseball is definitely no different. With baseball, you have to know what you're talking about and statistics are all part of it.

My team (who's team name is "Free Oakland" based on the stadium situation) is playing for 2015 or 2016 and right now treading water, and getting rid of all the old pieces for new guys. Ian Desmond was a tough guy to get rid of but trading him and Bubba Starling for Ike Davis, Tony Cingrani, and Michael Brantley seemed like a return that I couldn't pass up since especially with how deep my team is at Shortstop with prospects like Nick Franklin and Francisco Lindor in my team's bench.

When you have decisions like this and plenty of active owners the fun just gets better and better.

Friday, May 17, 2013

A Look At The Hip Hop Dances of the Last 7 Years

This is hardly relevant to stuff going on in the cheap seats but it kind of is actually! A staple of the cheap seats is the dancing to random music (that isn't Call Me Maybe thank you very much), and I had a wild urge to take a closer look at the dances that have ignited my embarrassing white boy moves from time to time. I will not only be analyzing the dances themselves but also the songs themselves. And yes, the Bernie is included. I'm gonna look at whether it should or should not be used while at an A's game and talk about if it's easy or not. We'll start this chronologically starting from late 2005.

Lean Wit it, Rock Wit It- Dem Franchize Boyz

This song was my jam in 6th and 7th grade, the Atlanta based hip-hop group Dem Franchize Boyz came out with this hit dance song and it was easily one of the more popular songs in 2005. The catchy beat and easy lyrics make this song a good song for when you're in need of a pick me up. The dance trend ended up having a good 8 month run where it was quite popular in hip-hop dance videos.

The Dance itself: The dance was really quite simple but that's what is nice. It's not too flashy either so you won't look like a tool when you hit the dance. There's no guidelines on how to do it, you can put your own twist on it but the basic part is you put your wrist out and then back in and then put your other wrist out and back in, in a quick motion, then you snap your fingers and lean back. This motion continues from side to side.

Line of the song: "Gangstas don't dance, they lean wit it rock wit it."

Cheap Seats Worthy?: Though it is an easy song to do your thing to, it really doesn't have much place in the bleachers since most of the songs at the Coliseum are more fast paced which is something that this dance definitely isn't meant for.

Pop, Lock, And Drop It- Huey

Wow, I can't believe it's been 7 years since this song was released. And I'm even more disappointed that my middle school self actually liked this song. It's pure garbage. Just a catchy beat and a catchy hook, that's it. Huey was the prototypical "one hit wonder," I've never seen him at all since this song was released and honestly I can now see why. The dance itself lasted about one summer and that was it. 

The Dance itself: Just to make it clear, this is a girl's only dance. If a guy was ever caught doing this, I'm sure he'd probably melt like the Wicked Witch of the West on site. It's a pretty quick dance by the looks of it with plenty of hip action. Now if I had a daughter and I saw her doing this dance, I'd probably ground her for 3 months, this song is the sluttiest of the slutty. And if I catch anyone doing this dance nowadays, it should be okay for someone to call her a "hoe."

Cheap Seats Worthy?: HELL NO! If I see anyone I know doing this dance, I will never talk to them again, no joke. It's not appropriate at a baseball game and is a complete hoe dance.

Line of the song: N/A. The song was so terrible that I couldn't find any real good lines that were worth mentioning.

Crank That- Soulja Boy Tell 'em

I know what you're thinking, that picture above is me. Yeah, no. I can't believe this song has been out for this long. The new kid Soulja Boy dropped this song in 2007 igniting a huge dance craze that lasted well over a year and was probably one of the most popular dances of this century so far. The song itself was complete trash, and this is the case with all of Soulja Boy's songs. His lyrics are hella douchy and I honestly hope some dude smacks his midget self.

The Dance Itself: The dance itself was fantastic in some ways, it even includes some "lean wit it, rock wit it" in the routine. It was simple and anyone could do it. I knew grown parents who knew how to do the dance. The dance was more famous than the actual song. I'll admit that at several weddings I went to, my mom always requested this song so I could dance to it. SUPERMAN DAT HOE!

Cheap Seats Worthy?: It simply isn't, unless the song plays at the stadium. That's the bummer about this song.

Line of the song: Hard to find one since his lyrics are complete crap but here goes, "Nope, you can't do it like me, Hoe, so don't do it like me, Folk, I see you tryna do it like me, Man that s*** was ugly."

Stanky Legg- GS Boyz

This song basically defined my freshman year, there's even a video of me on youtube doing this dance. This song was my jam ever since US Men's National Team Striker Charlie Davies did the dance after scoring a goal. The song itself gets really annoying after while but the dance was hilarious at the time. The dance craze lasted about 3 months with a slight revival thanks to Charlie Davies and his popularity.

The Dance Itself: It's inspiration came from someone putting out a cigarette by smooshing into the ground. It's really easy and anyone can do it.  Just swing those hips and rotate that ankle.

Cheap Seats Worthy?: Yes! Definitely not a "go-to move" but once in awhile breaking it out wouldn't be the worst thing in the world.

Line of the song: "When I slide through the place my swagga walk is what they diggin', I stick my leg out on the floor and start jiggin'"

Yeah that was the best line of the song.

You're A Jerk- New Boyz

This song seems like it came out just yesterday but I can honestly say that I'm happy it's been this long since the song came out in 2009. The song was trash and it started a terrible fashion trend that involved bright fluorescent colors and skinny jeans. Grown men would wear skinny jeans, it was a terrible time. I'll admit I knew how to do the dance but I looked ridiculous doing it since my long legs would fold up like an accordion. The dance itself lasted for about 6 months and was quite popular and during that time the word "jerkin" had two meanings, if you know what I mean.

The dance itself: The dance is alright, it looks pretty cool and it isn't too difficult to pull off. It took some practice since the movement itself is pretty awkward, it's a reverse Running Man.

Cheap Seats Worthy?: Definitely! It's a good dance to bust out, especially since no one really does it anymore.

Line of the Song: "Got your girl on my swag she lovin them jerkin songs, like the new iPod just touch it and turn her on,"

Movin' Like Bernie- ISA

Yes I know, there are two songs for this dance but since obviously the ISA version is better, we're gonna talk about that one. This song actually came out close to 4 years ago and it took awhile for it to become a dance craze but sometime during 2011, the song became a popular dance and I actually started doing it at the coliseum a long time before it was popular, I'd like to add. The dance had a 6 month run which was reignited by the Oakland A's in 2012 and hopefully they will make sure it hangs around this season too.

The Dance itself: The dance is easy and takes two seconds to learn. Let your arms flail and put your head back like a nose bleed is coming through. The dance is pure genius since it came from an old school movie like "Weekend At Bernie's." The dance at first looks a little funny but everyone finds a way to love it!


Line of the song: "If it ain't about money then it really don't concern me"

Teach Me How To Dougie- Cali Swag District

Probably the last mainstream popular, since the mainstream media seems to be obsessed by "Gangnam Style" and garbage like that. This song isn't a good one to say the least but the beat is bumpin' and the hook is catchy. The dance itself seemed a little weird and feels quite awkward to perform but for some reason it gained popularity. Unfortunately, the lead dancer of Cali Swag District died in a drive by shooting. The dance had a good run of well over 6 months and every athlete and celebrity were seen doing it at some point.

The Dance itself: It's not a bad dance at all it seems easy enough but honestly it just looks pretty funny. That's my only complaint.

Cheap Seats Worthy?: Definitely, though I've never seen anyone do the dougie to a song other than this one. I'm not sure any songs at the Coliseum fit the pace of this dance.

Line of the song: "And I hate skinny jeans cause the burner keep rubbin'" Gotta love this line since it is a diss on the New Boyz and their skinny jeans trend.

Catdaddy- Rej3ctz

Lastly, I examine one of the funnier dances around, the catdaddy. Whoever thought of this dance really deserves a kudos. Definitely a classic because of the wheelchair action. Before the 2012 season, I had made a catdaddy video in honor of Coco Crisp since he had signed a free agent deal with the A's. Coco ended up finding the video on youtube and he started tweeting about it, it was so cool! The trend lasted about 6 months and was mostly known for the wheelchair action.

The Dance Itself: The dance is a quick three step move that is real easy to learn but I have no rhythm so it always looks ugly when I do it. I have no idea where "catdaddy" and wheelchair have a connection but I still dig it.

Cheap Seats Worthy?: Back when this was Coco Crisp's walk-up music it was definitely worthy. It's been two years since Coco used this song and I don't think it's appropriate to do without the song playing. I still love the song but unless I hear that Catdaddy beat I'm not hitting it.

Line of the song: "You heard of Too $hort? I'm too long. I'm in the club all black goin Akon."

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Hot Dogs, Moving Day, And All Nighters

The A's lost to the damn Rangers, Dan Straily isn't ready for The Bigs, Josh Donaldson is still the truth, and Nelson Cruz is still a bum. That's all the analysis you need from that game. The terrible game that the A's played was in all honesty, nothing that a beautiful Oakland afternoon couldn't fix.

I once heard that several scientists declared the East Bay, "The Best Place to Live In Terms of Weather In The World" and I believe every minute of it. Unlike San Francisco and its crazy wind that will blow you down its vast giant hills, the East Bay has mastered "the summer breeze" and today was no different.

The scene from 148 was the usual joking around and always a good time. The gang included Adam (@DKJinthe_148), Jacquie (@TeaPartyTrthSqd), Dreamkiller (@OccupyTheAs), and many others. Section 148 was for the most part in good shape today since Wednesday day games are our favorite games to attend.

Ironically, I came to the game having only slept for one hour the previous night thanks to a final paper and my last final of the semester. I took that final early this morning and thank god, it's all over. My first year of college is now officially over.

When you're running through your day with a minimal amount of sleep like that you gotta keep the calories coming and thankfully I had bought a value deck ticket today so I got $6 back on concession food. That by the way, is probably the best deal in sports, I absolutely love making ballpark food actually cheap.

For those of you who don't know, this is my third year of being a regular in the RF Bleachers since before I had restrictions on driving and all that jazz but I've been searching for a consistent "go-to Coliseum meal" for years and on Monday night I finally found it!

I hate to inform you that the picture at the top isn't it but it is equally as good. The meal I found was the Polish Sausage combo with sauerkraut, a kiss of brown mustard, and a Sierra Mist.

The spicy sausage seemed to sizzle in my mouth with the texture of the sauerkraut. I really forgot how much I enjoy sauerkraut. It is definitely an underrated hot dog dressing. The brown mustard really gave a nice tang to the meal and for me, you can never go wrong with a Sierra Mist. Lemon lime flavored drinks are the drinks of champions and I've yet to be proved wrong about that.

I would love to talk about food all day long but I have one more thing to talk about before wrapping this post up. Tomorrow, I move back to my hometown of Danville for the summer and I surely can't wait to hit the ground running on my old stomping grounds. I enjoyed my several months in San Francisco but it's time to take a long sabbatical from the haste and paste of San Francisco that can wear you out after one busy week, if you're not careful.

Hopefully a return to the East Bay will bring some kind of a tan to my pastey skin. (Fat chance)

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Just A Man in his Dorm with His Thoughts

Now for the second post of this already amazing blog. I'm currently laying on the mattress that was (until this morning) occupied by my roommate. Now I'm sure many of you have heard about my roommate through my "rant tweets" but I feel like I should dedicate a few words to my roommate before going on so we'll first start with this amazing photo.

Yes, that's my roommate sleeping.

Okay, I'm gonna try to make this as entertaining as I can for you but I might fail miserably so bare with me. Chih-Kai (Kevin), came to USF from Taipei City, Taiwan which for those of you who didn't pay attention in freshman year geography, that is a small island off the coast of China which is where Chiang Kai-Shek and his pro-American government fled after being defeated by the Communist army led by Mao Zedong.

Kevin actually, was not supposed to be my roommate. In fact, I had no idea who on earth he was until I was told that he was going to be my roommate for my freshman year, last summer. I had actually emailed back and forth was this kid from San Francisco named Aaron who seemed really cool and we even requested to be roommates.

Then came judgment day and we found out we were paired up with kids we had never heard of and we realized that we were also on the same floor which was really odd.

So going into the year, I was already pretty upset about that but I was prepared to make the most of the situation and deal with it. I met Kevin and he seemed alright, he spoke good English and didn't seem like a clown.

I wish I had known what I was getting into to say the least. It didn't take long to see what he was all about. He has a girlfriend back in Taiwan and of course, with the time difference, he had to talk to her at terribly obscure times of the day for me and that caused plenty of problems.

My first semester I was stuck in the unfortunate situation of having one early morning class every day. So I desperately needed my sleep just so I could function.

Unfortunately, that wasn't going to happen since my roommate speaks Chinese and apparently it's quite difficult to speak Chinese quietly so I would toss and turn for hours and hours. The end result would always end up being me waking up at 10:30, and punching my pillow, because I realized I had missed my class.

This happened plenty of times last semester but luckily I didn't fail any classes last semester and did quite well, somehow.

I tried to talk to him about it but no dice. He continued his act and my sleep patterns would end up getting quite tampered.

Many stories this year involved Kevin, so I'm gonna tell you a few of them.

The first one was known as "The Alarm."

And yes, this is all about an alarm clock.

Kevin brought along this old school manual alarm clock with a legit bell that would go off and shoot out this ear piercing ringing that would not only wake you up, but scare the hell out of you as well!

The alarm was at first not a problem, in fact I had enjoyed using it because it got myself out of bed but then I left for a weekend and apparently Kevin did the same to visit some friends.

When I came back on Monday morning, I came back to a door full of letters taped to it and a bell that was ringing off the hook.

Kevin had now unofficially been deemed the "Most Hated Kid on Phelan Fourth Floor Dormitory" because of his trusty alarm.

And worst of all, he ignored the letters on the door and continued using his alarm.

It wasn't until I "accidentally" kicked the alarm off my bed post that he finally stopped using it because it was broken.

Thank god.

The second story out of three, that I have chosen to share, is known as "The Walk-In."

Now I'm sure many of you are predicting what this is going to be about but hopefully this hasn't happened to you.

It was a Friday afternoon and I was quite excited about the weekend but first I had to go to Spanish. So I went back to my room to pick up my backpack and leave. As I entered the room, I saw a weird figure to my left. I then saw a pair of feet with boxers and sweats around them and I saw what was an exposed leg that was not covered up at all. Then came the massive amounts of tissues that were all around the upper leg area and from there I covered my eyes, picked up my backpack, and walked out.

My roommate didn't even bother to pull up his pants as I continued to walk to get my backpack. Luckily I didn't see anything that would've been quite awkward as it was already awkward that I had walked in on my roommate making love to his right hand.

That one was a nightmare, and it just added to the legend of "Kevin."

The final story that I'll share with you all is known as "The Peanut Gallery." I couldn't think of a better name for this one but you'll hopefully see what I mean.

It was a Thursday night in the dorm at about 12 am and I was video chatting on with my friends Robbie (@TheRobbieV) and Pete (@PeteWiddles).

I went back to my dorm to get more comfortable and I walked into a large amount of screaming and loud laughing as if I was in a large house party. It turned out to be my roommate playing League of Legends while skyping with his buddies in Taiwan who were also playing the game. 

Robbie and Pete asked me what all that noise was so I showed them by focusing my laptop webcam on him, creating a sort of "Kevin Cam." They were amused by how wild and crazy he was acting at that time of the morning. This act went on for 4 more hours during which Pete and Robbie mocked him and what was funny was that Kevin was so focused that he never even noticed!

This was the first of a daily occurrence where my roommate would do late night gaming with his buddies, much to my chagrin.

That's all the stories I have for you. Believe me, there are others, like when he punched a hole in the wall, or his late night shouting matches with his girlfriend. My roommate was basically nocturnal, he was up until 4 am before going to sleep. Then he'd sleep all day before waking up at about 7 pm in the evening and going back to his usual routine. That was beyond a nightmare, that was hell.

It's safe to say that I did not enjoy having a roommate this year and am happy that this experience is coming to a close.

My advice to whoever is going into the dorms in the near future, room with someone who you know you will be alright with. And if the school tells you that you have to room with a foreign student who you've never interacted with, please don't appease their demands, you will regret it forever.

Now for a "Cheap Seats Note," I will be heading back to the Coliseum for today's day game and sitting in my usual section 148 with all my best friends. I'm hoping for a great time at the ballpark since I haven't been to a Wednesday day game in quite some time. If you're out there, please come and say hello.

Cheers everyone! Hope you all enjoyed the post and I'll be back after midnight tomorrow night. Let's Go Oakland! I promise for a more baseball centered post tomorrow!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Launch

I don't really know how to start this blog to be quite honest with you but I'm sitting here in my school's fire pit lounge at 1:46 am, procrastinating, rather than studying for my last two finals of the school year. I guess I'll give you a brief introduction to myself and this blog as this Taylor Swift song on my iTunes library finishes up (yes, I do have one Taylor Swift song on my iPod and no I don't like her it's just one song, jeez).

My name is Wesley Mills but I'm better known as Wes by my friends. In fact, only my relatives and elementary school teachers call my Wesley but you can call me either. I'm a freshman and soon to be sophomore at the University of San Francisco. I'm currently undeclared at this moment in time but I soon will be a Media Studies major.

I'm just your average college student for the most part but hopefully I end up being much more interesting to you than that.

I spend a good amount of time a day on twitter and you can find me by typing in @RFWes and hopefully it'll just pop right up! I also host a show on called "Gold Jersey Dynasty Talk Radio" with three of the most wonderful individuals I've ever met.

Now, I know what you're thinking, what the hell is this weird guy doing with his tongue? And is that pumpkin pie? To answer your first question, I WAS HUNGRY! And yes that is pumpkin pie! For those of you who aren't A's fans, you probably can't eat pumpkin pie at a baseball game but we can!

Moving on, I am an A's fan, and have been since my mom and dad took me to my first game on Opening Day 1996 at Cashman Field in Las Vegas (the Raiders were building Mt Davis).

I sit in section 148 in the Right Field Bleachers with people who are just as passionate about the Oakland A's as I am. Perhaps you heard about the event I organized, this little event called "Josh Hamilton Appreciation Night," if you haven't heard about it be sure to google it and be blown away. I mean that all in seriousness and don't mean to brag in anyway.

Going to as many games as I go to, I can tell you that many crazy things happen every now and then, which is something I'm going to write about as kind of a short story/book kind of thing.

Now for what this blog will end up being, I can tell you that this will have plenty of stuff about the antics from the bleachers as well as some stories from my past or something that's on my mind for that day. I promise I will do my best not to make this a diary where I offend people or talk about every little thing that has happened in my life. Since I know for a fact no one wants to hear about that. I will post some stuff from my personal life if I find it interesting or worthwhile but I promise I won't be offending anyone!

I decided to create this blog since I'm going home on Thursday morning and I'm going to have to find things to do while I'm there until mid August. I hope you guys enjoy the blog and be sure to comment and interact with me on twitter. Cheers!