Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Struggle: How I Survived My Freshman Year

For the first time in probably a year, I'm actually tired at 11:25 pm. If this were a tweet I'd end it with #CollegeStudentProbz. Like any other college student, my body clock certainly took a beating. That's not the only thing that was a struggle, you already knew about the roommate problems that seemed to never go away. So the question is, how did I survive?

There's a lot of people I have to thank for helping me survive but we'll get to that later. Getting started in school faces the same problems, adjusting to new living quarters, new friends, work load, etc. but each struggle is different. Mine for example wasn't as bad as some people's since I was fortunate enough to be close to home but I guess everything evens out with bad roommates, or whatever else you need.

At the beginning of the year I started out as a kid trying to execute a long distance relationship with my high school girlfriend, and trying to hold onto my guilty pleasures (music, TV Shows, and whatever else I stumble on). It didn't take long for me to morph into a kid who was single and someone who stopped caring about new music and only cared about Monday Night RAW (Yes I love wrestling, bite me), and Suits (which thankfully is a summer show) as well as all my sports team who I could never be away from.

In this way, I didn't change for college, college molded me. That's basically what needed to happen and I accept that (plus the new music is trash anyway, dubstep in every song? TRASH!) other things had to happen to keep me in check as well though. I met some great people along the way who made my year awesome. I'm now going to thank you, some of this might be a group thank you but I'm sure that's fine.

All my twitter followers- You guys definitely kept me sane during those long nights in lounge or those nights in the atrium. Whenever I was going through a tough day, you guys seemed to always pick me up. Thank you for putting up with my crap since I was pretty bitter at times especially when I didn't get enough sleep, which seemed to happen a lot (Thanks Kevin).

Danielle (@sillydani225)- Danielle was one of many great hall mates who I had the pleasure of living with for this school year and she was everything that you could ask for as a friend. She kept me level headed and I'd like I did the same for her. Many nights in the lounge with her telling stories or talking about nothing was usually a formula for success in the long term. And if any guys are trying to get at her on twitter, she has a boyfriend (sorry). Danielle currently holds the title of being the only girl I've ever taken to a Warriors game and that was my birthday present to her since she luckily likes basketball.

Nick- For those of you who aren't familiar with Nick, he's the guy who I brought to Josh Hamilton Appreciation Night/19 inning game. Nick, like just about everyone at USF is a Giants fans but he's one of the few cool ones so it's all cool. If anyone knows me well, they'll know that I basically have to have a certain quota of sports talk each day or I will crawl into a corner and eat low fat ice cream (luckily this has never happened), so Nick was the guy who'd fill that quota as he listened to me rant about the Raiders or how terrible George Kottaras (aka KottarASS) is at baseball. Nick's a fantasy sports junkie and he invited me into his 20 team dynasty baseball league which has given me a huge tool to stay sane. The bleacher guys seemed to like Nick at that 19 inning game and for good reason, Nick's a class act and quite hilarious, always a good combination.

Eat 24 (@eat24)- Before you say, "Wait Wes, that isn't a real person," you should know that this app saved my life during those long study hours. I recommend this site to anyone who needs food at 12 am or the wee hours of the morning "" is your ticket to a late night meal and extra motivation for whatever your work or school throws at you. They deserve all the credit in the world for helping me out since I needed them especially down the stretch last semester. Unfortunately my "go-to restaurant," Freddie's went out of business at the beginning of second semester (which was really sad since their meat lover's calzones were legendary) and we needed several restaurants combinations to pick up the pace. Places like "Royalty Pizza" and "Sparky's" saved my life with their various choices. Sometimes cafeteria food just doesn't cut it for a guy like me.

The Fanily- You guys were something else during the second semester, whether it was bowling nights, and the WBC day. You guys always made sure I had something to look forward to, I met some great people that I'm happy to call friends. You all know who you are, you guys made sure I didn't go insane being all cooped up at school. And thank you for making sure I got back to campus, many of you helped me with that especially when BART closed.

GJD Family- Thank you to Adam (@DKJinthe_148), Jess (@RedBottomCleats), and Hailee (@Hailee_Miguel) for giving me a new outlet for a hobby. You guys are the best and I always have fun with you guys.

That's all for now, not the greatest post but I was having some issues with it and finally got it done. I'll have something more interesting to write about tonight.

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