Friday, May 17, 2013

A Look At The Hip Hop Dances of the Last 7 Years

This is hardly relevant to stuff going on in the cheap seats but it kind of is actually! A staple of the cheap seats is the dancing to random music (that isn't Call Me Maybe thank you very much), and I had a wild urge to take a closer look at the dances that have ignited my embarrassing white boy moves from time to time. I will not only be analyzing the dances themselves but also the songs themselves. And yes, the Bernie is included. I'm gonna look at whether it should or should not be used while at an A's game and talk about if it's easy or not. We'll start this chronologically starting from late 2005.

Lean Wit it, Rock Wit It- Dem Franchize Boyz

This song was my jam in 6th and 7th grade, the Atlanta based hip-hop group Dem Franchize Boyz came out with this hit dance song and it was easily one of the more popular songs in 2005. The catchy beat and easy lyrics make this song a good song for when you're in need of a pick me up. The dance trend ended up having a good 8 month run where it was quite popular in hip-hop dance videos.

The Dance itself: The dance was really quite simple but that's what is nice. It's not too flashy either so you won't look like a tool when you hit the dance. There's no guidelines on how to do it, you can put your own twist on it but the basic part is you put your wrist out and then back in and then put your other wrist out and back in, in a quick motion, then you snap your fingers and lean back. This motion continues from side to side.

Line of the song: "Gangstas don't dance, they lean wit it rock wit it."

Cheap Seats Worthy?: Though it is an easy song to do your thing to, it really doesn't have much place in the bleachers since most of the songs at the Coliseum are more fast paced which is something that this dance definitely isn't meant for.

Pop, Lock, And Drop It- Huey

Wow, I can't believe it's been 7 years since this song was released. And I'm even more disappointed that my middle school self actually liked this song. It's pure garbage. Just a catchy beat and a catchy hook, that's it. Huey was the prototypical "one hit wonder," I've never seen him at all since this song was released and honestly I can now see why. The dance itself lasted about one summer and that was it. 

The Dance itself: Just to make it clear, this is a girl's only dance. If a guy was ever caught doing this, I'm sure he'd probably melt like the Wicked Witch of the West on site. It's a pretty quick dance by the looks of it with plenty of hip action. Now if I had a daughter and I saw her doing this dance, I'd probably ground her for 3 months, this song is the sluttiest of the slutty. And if I catch anyone doing this dance nowadays, it should be okay for someone to call her a "hoe."

Cheap Seats Worthy?: HELL NO! If I see anyone I know doing this dance, I will never talk to them again, no joke. It's not appropriate at a baseball game and is a complete hoe dance.

Line of the song: N/A. The song was so terrible that I couldn't find any real good lines that were worth mentioning.

Crank That- Soulja Boy Tell 'em

I know what you're thinking, that picture above is me. Yeah, no. I can't believe this song has been out for this long. The new kid Soulja Boy dropped this song in 2007 igniting a huge dance craze that lasted well over a year and was probably one of the most popular dances of this century so far. The song itself was complete trash, and this is the case with all of Soulja Boy's songs. His lyrics are hella douchy and I honestly hope some dude smacks his midget self.

The Dance Itself: The dance itself was fantastic in some ways, it even includes some "lean wit it, rock wit it" in the routine. It was simple and anyone could do it. I knew grown parents who knew how to do the dance. The dance was more famous than the actual song. I'll admit that at several weddings I went to, my mom always requested this song so I could dance to it. SUPERMAN DAT HOE!

Cheap Seats Worthy?: It simply isn't, unless the song plays at the stadium. That's the bummer about this song.

Line of the song: Hard to find one since his lyrics are complete crap but here goes, "Nope, you can't do it like me, Hoe, so don't do it like me, Folk, I see you tryna do it like me, Man that s*** was ugly."

Stanky Legg- GS Boyz

This song basically defined my freshman year, there's even a video of me on youtube doing this dance. This song was my jam ever since US Men's National Team Striker Charlie Davies did the dance after scoring a goal. The song itself gets really annoying after while but the dance was hilarious at the time. The dance craze lasted about 3 months with a slight revival thanks to Charlie Davies and his popularity.

The Dance Itself: It's inspiration came from someone putting out a cigarette by smooshing into the ground. It's really easy and anyone can do it.  Just swing those hips and rotate that ankle.

Cheap Seats Worthy?: Yes! Definitely not a "go-to move" but once in awhile breaking it out wouldn't be the worst thing in the world.

Line of the song: "When I slide through the place my swagga walk is what they diggin', I stick my leg out on the floor and start jiggin'"

Yeah that was the best line of the song.

You're A Jerk- New Boyz

This song seems like it came out just yesterday but I can honestly say that I'm happy it's been this long since the song came out in 2009. The song was trash and it started a terrible fashion trend that involved bright fluorescent colors and skinny jeans. Grown men would wear skinny jeans, it was a terrible time. I'll admit I knew how to do the dance but I looked ridiculous doing it since my long legs would fold up like an accordion. The dance itself lasted for about 6 months and was quite popular and during that time the word "jerkin" had two meanings, if you know what I mean.

The dance itself: The dance is alright, it looks pretty cool and it isn't too difficult to pull off. It took some practice since the movement itself is pretty awkward, it's a reverse Running Man.

Cheap Seats Worthy?: Definitely! It's a good dance to bust out, especially since no one really does it anymore.

Line of the Song: "Got your girl on my swag she lovin them jerkin songs, like the new iPod just touch it and turn her on,"

Movin' Like Bernie- ISA

Yes I know, there are two songs for this dance but since obviously the ISA version is better, we're gonna talk about that one. This song actually came out close to 4 years ago and it took awhile for it to become a dance craze but sometime during 2011, the song became a popular dance and I actually started doing it at the coliseum a long time before it was popular, I'd like to add. The dance had a 6 month run which was reignited by the Oakland A's in 2012 and hopefully they will make sure it hangs around this season too.

The Dance itself: The dance is easy and takes two seconds to learn. Let your arms flail and put your head back like a nose bleed is coming through. The dance is pure genius since it came from an old school movie like "Weekend At Bernie's." The dance at first looks a little funny but everyone finds a way to love it!


Line of the song: "If it ain't about money then it really don't concern me"

Teach Me How To Dougie- Cali Swag District

Probably the last mainstream popular, since the mainstream media seems to be obsessed by "Gangnam Style" and garbage like that. This song isn't a good one to say the least but the beat is bumpin' and the hook is catchy. The dance itself seemed a little weird and feels quite awkward to perform but for some reason it gained popularity. Unfortunately, the lead dancer of Cali Swag District died in a drive by shooting. The dance had a good run of well over 6 months and every athlete and celebrity were seen doing it at some point.

The Dance itself: It's not a bad dance at all it seems easy enough but honestly it just looks pretty funny. That's my only complaint.

Cheap Seats Worthy?: Definitely, though I've never seen anyone do the dougie to a song other than this one. I'm not sure any songs at the Coliseum fit the pace of this dance.

Line of the song: "And I hate skinny jeans cause the burner keep rubbin'" Gotta love this line since it is a diss on the New Boyz and their skinny jeans trend.

Catdaddy- Rej3ctz

Lastly, I examine one of the funnier dances around, the catdaddy. Whoever thought of this dance really deserves a kudos. Definitely a classic because of the wheelchair action. Before the 2012 season, I had made a catdaddy video in honor of Coco Crisp since he had signed a free agent deal with the A's. Coco ended up finding the video on youtube and he started tweeting about it, it was so cool! The trend lasted about 6 months and was mostly known for the wheelchair action.

The Dance Itself: The dance is a quick three step move that is real easy to learn but I have no rhythm so it always looks ugly when I do it. I have no idea where "catdaddy" and wheelchair have a connection but I still dig it.

Cheap Seats Worthy?: Back when this was Coco Crisp's walk-up music it was definitely worthy. It's been two years since Coco used this song and I don't think it's appropriate to do without the song playing. I still love the song but unless I hear that Catdaddy beat I'm not hitting it.

Line of the song: "You heard of Too $hort? I'm too long. I'm in the club all black goin Akon."

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