Monday, May 20, 2013

Road Trips: What to do When The A's Go On The Road

It's 2 am in the morning here on my couch and I'm gonna try to make this post short and sweet because I want to go to bed but we'll see how that turns out. The topic for tonight is: Road Trips. More specifically A's road trips.

We as fans love being at the coliseum with all our best friends and enjoying watching the boys who provide us joy from April-October but when the home stand is over, we as fans must find other things to do in the evenings since the option of going to A's games isn't there.

Now I myself have had this problem many times especially during this season. I'm currently single, and during all of last season I was in a relationship so that was the easy answer at that time. Now that I'm single, I need new ways of filling this gap during A's road trips.

Of course we all watch the road games on tv, but remember that going to a baseball game is a 5 hour commitment at least, so we still end up with plenty of free time. So what do we do during that time? Certainly, there are many ways to answer this. Some people have novels to read (I need to finish Joe Torre's book now that I'm out of school), others have netflix, many knit, and some even garden.

Of course there's many who actually have friends who do stuff other than sit at home on a Saturday night but who the hell are those people? Man I'm an A's fan, I don't like showing my anger out in public when Dan Straily walks Jeff Francouer on four pitches! (Only joking, that would totally never happen, or would it?). 

Some people go to concerts, but that doesn't work for me because I can't for the life of me understand why people go to concerts. It's not my thing and there's certainly nothing wrong with it. Here's an option, nonetheless.

If you're from the lame upper class you can go to wine bar and wine taste. God knows what the point of wine tasting is but hey, we see our favorite A's players spitting all the time, maybe we should do the same more often in our personal lives? You feel me? No? Well it was worth a try, who knows maybe spitting will be considered "attractive" one day.

Now I don't do this too often but I have done this a couple times this season, and that is watch an A's game with a group of A's fan friends at a restaurant where the game will be shown. This certainly is a lot of fun, especially when the waiter is a Giants fan! Only issue is that most people can't afford to do this for every A's road game and it's probably better that way so it doesn't lose its luster.

So our search for a consistent thing to do while the A's are on the road continues. Do I need to go on more dates to pass the time? Maybe, but I don't think any normal girl wants to hear me ramble on about Josh Donaldson's WAR, or AJ Griffin's BABIP. And if there's a girl out there who does, please DM me ASAP, thank you.

If you have a consistent hobby you do while the A's are on the road, please share it here in the comments section.

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