Friday, May 24, 2013

Having No Phone: A Blessing And A Curse

For a full month, I haven't had a cell phone (well technically I do but you I can't text on it). It was I believe, after the 1973 A's World Series Reunion that my phone's touch screen stopped working. Since then, I really have only talked to people on my iPad, or twitter.

To be honest, it's really been nice not having that damn phone that always seems to buzz at the most inopportune times making my ADHD go crazy. Seemed like I was texting a lot of people before it broke and to be honest I should've been more important things than texting people. No offense to those people but it was the stretch run of school and I didn't need anymore distractions.

A cell phone is in many ways an albatross, it just seems to hold us down and it bugs me whenever I'm hanging out with someone and their head is down the whole time texting someone. I could just have some self-esteem issues but it makes me say in my head "Oh you're talking to some people, then what am I chopped liver?"Seriously though, not having a phone sure takes a lot of the burden off my shoulder. Those feelings of "OMG I HAVE TO TEXT BLAH BLAH BACK!" are gone and as a result I can spend my time on other things. Who would've thought that the cell phone would be the cause of so many problems? Nowadays, we all have to be in constant contact with each other, WHY?! I feel like it's made me cut out some great people simply because I got tired of them.

Overexposure is a powerful thing, and it's alive and well. I'm sure everyone has those friendships or relationships that simply ended because of that very same thing. I have a hypothesis that this is because of texting. Prove me wrong, but it just seems right. Sure I love talking to people, don't get me wrong but at some point it becomes detrimental.

Now lately since I've gone back to my home in Danville, I've noticed that I don't really have a whole heck of a lot to do since I'm still looking for a job and I don't have a phone. I really want to hangout with my friends out here but it's such a pain to get a hold of these people without a phone and part of me isn't in the mood to hear about everyone's issues again. That always seems to be the issue when you see people you haven't seen in forever, isn't it?

You know what though? My problem is this, the A'S NEED TO COME BACK HOME NOW! Seriously, I'm dying out here. The A's seem to make me happy that my phone doesn't work and then when they go on the road I start wishing I had a phone, it's weird. Now I'm starting to think the A's are the most important thing in my life right now, and I'm not sure any girl is gonna want to date a guy with  that kind of a problem!

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